How to unlock a secured/protected PDF file so you can copy and paste or print from it
Option 1 : Ghostscript
Download portable Ghostscript from :
- This will take you to a download page at sourceforge (I know it looks like a direct link, but this is sourceforge–it’s a webpage with a .exe name)
- If that doesnt work, here’s the download URL direct to the file:
Install Ghostscript.
- NOTE: it does not really “install”. It just writes files to a particular folder.
- TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLDER! You may also change its location and name if you like.
- We will enter this foldername later.
Start the Windows program Notepad
Copy and paste the following text
- You will have to CHANGE the names of the input and output files after you paste into Notepad.
- (You might have to scroll right to see/get/copy all of this)
gswin32c -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="OUTPUT PDF" "INPUT PDF" pause
- INPUT PDF – this is the full path name to the file you want to unlock by converting
- OUTPUT PDF – this is the full path name to the new file you want to create (the filename should not exist yet–but the folder should)
- Example 1 of possible INPUT and OUTPUT PDF files:
- Example 2 possible of INPUT and OUTPUT PDF files:
"C:\users\johndoe\Desktop\another file.pdf"
"C:\users\johndoe\Desktop\another file unlocked.pdf"
- If the folder path or file name contains spaces, the filename must be in “double quotes” (otherwise the quotes are optional)
Save the file as convert_pdf.bat
in the bin
sub-folder within the folder where you “installed” Ghostscript
- Example save location:
Navigate to that bin
sub-folder and double-click convert_pdf.bat
to run it.
- It should create an unlocked version of your file for you.
Option 2 : Upload to google drive (docs)
Then cut-n-paste from within google drive.
Option 3 : Upload to free zoho docs.
Then cut-n-paste from within zoho docs.