WiFi (Wireless) Security : WEP WPA WPA2


Wired Equivalent Privacy
WiFi Protected Access
WiFi Protected Access II
WiFi Protected Setup – Unlike the others, which encrypt traffic over the air from your device (eg, laptop, tablet, phone, Wii, ps3, xbox, tivo) to the wireless router, this one, WPS, is a way of setting up your router for the first time. It was meant to make setup, easy, even push-button, and to set you up, out of the box, with good security, but, sadly, it has a security flaw that makes the network INsecure. Doh!


My interest here is in answering the question “What security should i select?”

Unfortunately there is no one answer because of the timelines of deployment of these technologies.

The securist (is that a word?) is WPA2.

The only reason not to choose WPA2 is OLD DEVICES.

WEP was born in 1999, and was deprecated in 2009.

However, WPA came on the scene 2003, and started to become popular in machines manufactured in 2003 with sales ramp in 2004.

And WPA2 came on the scene in 2004, and started to become popular in machines manufactured in 2004 with sales ramp in 2005.

So if you have a device that’s from 2003 or before (today in year 2014 that’s 11 years ago–a long time in electronics), then that device will not support the strongest security, WPA2. Even if it’s from 2004-2005 it might not.

So if you set up WPA2 on your wireless router, your old devices (or the old devices of your friends and family who visit your home, or customers who visit your business) will not be able to connect.

For devices purchased in the year 2006, i’d say you have a mixed bag.
Some devices will support WPA2 (especially the more expensive ones) some wont (especially the budget-friendly / value ones).
Some devices will support still support WEP (especially the budget-friendly / value ones), and some won’t (especially the more expensive, security conscious ones).

WPA2 is safer than WPA, which is safer than WEP. WPA also has 1 year, maybe 2 year max, jump on WPA2. Meaning, if your devices was purchased in 2003-2006 it might have WPA and not WPA2.

WPA2 became standard in 2006. Most devices manufactured after this time and likely purchased in 2007 and later will be WPA2 compliant. Some of these devices will not even support WEP at all. So if you choose WEP for your wireless router, some NEW devices might not be able to connect.

So, what’s the answer? It depends on the age of the devices trying to connect. But, in 2014, we’re moving solidly into WPA2 and it’s getting more solid all the time, as old devices fade away.

Windows XP
FYI, Windows XP received an update in 2005 to support WPA2. It got an update in 2006. Those years were during the SP2 time frame, and WPA2 was included in the most popular SP3. HOWEVER, the PC hardware that Windows XP is running on has some kind of wireless adapter (all laptops do), and THAT has to also be WPA2 compatible. So, if you bought your laptop in 2005-2006, and you received the WPA2 WXP update, then you STILL might not be able to use WPA2 cuz of your hardware (even tho WXP could do it).

Support for WEP, WPA, WPA2 by year of purchase of device

(Note: year of purchase might be 1 year after year of actual MANUFACTURE.)

year of purchase: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
security protocol support: WEP yes yes yes yes maybe maybe maybe maybe
WPA no maybe maybe maybe yes yes yes yes
WPA2 no no maybe maybe maybe yes yes yes



HTML5 is a set of new web development technologies that bring the mobile (ie iPhone or smartphone) experience to websites.

In doing so, they also achieve the ability to write one application and have it run the same way on the web and on an iPhone, or other smartphone.

In other words, they bring features common to smartphone apps to web development, namely

  • Touch events
  • Swipe events
  • Pinch zoom in/out
  • Location access (eg GPS)
  • Camera access
  • Offline storage, eg each app can store data, info, files
  • Offline app usage.
    • Web apps require you to be online to run them. They have always been websites up til now.
    • Most smartphone apps run whether or not you’re online
    • HTML5 allows web apps to run while offline, like smartphone apps

Here’s a quote of the text of html5.org, captures 8/25/2013, a good overview of HTML5 resources:


HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and XHTML. The HTML standard defines a single language that can be written in HTML and XML. It attempts to solve issues found in previous iterations of HTML and addresses the needs of Web Applications, an area previously not adequately covered by HTML.

Here are several resources worth exploring:

HTML5 offline apps for iphone

there’s some special meta tags you can put in a webpage to make your web apps avable and full screenable to the iphone hard drive. (so it can work offline) Here’s an example : http://mrgan.tumblr.com/post/125490362/glyphboard2 [or view source of http://mrgan.com/gb/]

There’s also frameworks like phonegap that let you access cocoa apis from javascript, but it sounds like you don’t need that.

answered Jun 25 ’09 at 13:18


via ruby – Develop iPhone app without a Mac? – Stack Overflow.

Reference: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/ConfiguringWebApplications/ConfiguringWebApplications.html

Microsoft “Windows 8” vs “Windows RT”

Windows RT

Windows RT is only for the ARM microprocessor, which is used in iPad, Samsung and Andriod tablets.

No software that you have that runs on Windows will run on Windows RT! That’s probably the most important thing to know about Windows RT. It aims to be like iOS or Andriod, meaning it has Apps you can download from the “Windows Store”.

To try to be at least a little like what we all know as “Windows” it DOES have

  • Office 2013 pre-installed.
  • a USB port and peripherals. Maybe 1 out of 100 of the devices out there are supported. But that’s greater than iOS and the other tablets which support: NONE.
  • Internet Explorer (IE). (It’s the ONLY browser supported (unless someone writes an app and submits it to the Windows Store and Microsoft approves it.))

But it does not have Outlook nor Windows Media Player. You have to get a (Windows Store) App for that.

Windows 8

Windows 8, on the other hand, is just Windows 7 with the “Metro shell” the touch-screen enabled icons that look like a tablet or smartphone. But you can click on the Desktop icon, or just turn Metro shell off completely, and you’ll be in front of something that looks and acts likes Windows 7.

Except with touchscreen.